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EB Assist ARXML Communication Toolbox 1.0.0 for EB Assist ADTF 2.12 released

The first version of our brand-new EB Assist ARXML Communication Toolbox has been released. This version supports the ARXML-based signal description for CAN and FlexRay by using the views and filters, which already exist within EB Assist ADTF Device Toolbox. In addition, EB Assist ARXML Communication Toolbox integrates full support for decoding SOME/IP data streams including SOME/IP Trace View and SOME/IP Config Codec.

EB Assist ARXML Communication Toolbox is based on the parser that is used in EB tresos Studio, a well-known tool in the AUTOSAR area.

EB Assist ARXML Communication Toolbox is available on the EB Command server.
