E/E architectures and the Automotive OS

New software-defined vehicle and automotive OS concepts promise a paradigm change in development processes, including decoupling the software from the underlying hardware and the abstraction of the ECU network as a single device.



What does this paradigm change mean for the E/E architecture? Which ingredients are necessary for building an automotive OS? What requirements does this impose on the software and, more importantly, the software development processes?
In this webinar experts from Elektrobit discuss these questions and present possible solutions.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Learn how zonal E/E architectures enable efficient Automotive OS architectures
  • Explore service-oriented software architectures, which are a prerequisite for separating functionality from the underlying hardware
  • Understand how the Automotive OS is not yet another embedded operating system but is instead a software platform spanning multiple ECUs, including a well-defined software lifecycle
  • Understand how the Automotive OS does not replace Classic or Adaptive AUTOSAR – instead, it combines the strengths of both worlds
  • Discover how automotive OS implementation must be combined with a compatibility strategy across vehicle platforms and generations


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Webinar recording


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E/E architectures and the Automotive OS

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