EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.2 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.2 has been released

Main features:

  • Improvements in ADTF Configuration Editor
    • Cleanup validation issues to improve performance for larger graphs
    • Add validation and show errors when loading adtf environment files
    • Fix usage of macros to specify included sessions
  • Hotfixes regarding delivered components
    • Repair communication using UDP/TCP Receiver/Sender From/To Non-ADTF Application Plugin
    • Resolve race condition within ADTFDAT File Recorder while closing ADTF Qt XSystem Service in certain situations
    • Prevent crash while launching ADTF QtQuick Filter without specified script file
  • Several improvements, stability and bugfixes, please refer to ADTF 3.12.2 Changelog

    This version is available on the EB Command server.