EB Assist ADTF – Version 2.11.0 released

Minor release: EB Assist ADTF – Version 2.11.0 released

Important:We strongly recommend the use of version 2.11.
Problems of version 2.10 are solved with version 2.11.The newest version of EB Assist ADTF comes out with some bug fixes and several new features.Application changes:

  • Introduction of ADTF Dynamic Binding
  • ProjectTree and Configuration Editor Usability
  • Documentation improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a problem with connection priorities
  • Fixes to DAT file display in Project Tree
  • Improved handling of configuration includes
  • Improved HD-Player when playing splitted files with high data rate

Please find more information in the change_log.txt.

This version is available on the EB command server: https://command.elektrobit.com