EB Assist Product Releases

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox 3.5.0 released

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.5.0 has been released Main features: Upgrade to ADTF 3.13.x Provide XCP on CAN FD Extend A2L parser handle BOM encoding, MATRIX_DIM and single-line comments Extend guides with best practice Please refer to EB Assist ADTF Calibration Toolbox 3.5.0 Changelog   This version is available on the EB […]

EB Assist ADTF version 3.13.2 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.13.2 has been released Main features: Changes in ADTF Configuration Editor Handle synchronization during updates of plugindescriptions Improve coordinates for auto-adding sample streams / binding proxies Adapt predefined zoom values within Filter Graph / Graph Navigator Add option/shortcut to show/hide sample stream names Make it possible to define even distances between […]

EB Assist ADTF 3 Display Toolbox 3.7.0 released

The EB Assist ADTF 3 Display Toolbox version 3.7.0 has been released Main features: Support for ADTF 3.13.x Improve performance for huge signal count in all Signal View UI Services Enhancements for 3D Scene Graph Display regarding rendering and GPU usage Several improvements, stability and bug fixes, please refer to ADTF Display Toolbox 3.7.0 Change […]

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox 3.4.5 released

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.4.5 has been released Main features: Handle crash when using STIM in combination with DAQ Prevent stopping, reconfigure and restart of acquisition due to late stream type check   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF version 3.13.1 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.13.1 has been released Main features: Changes in ADTF Configuration Editor Handle errors on startup and prevent blocking UI/Splash Screen**** Avoid recursive including of graph itself Correct refresh of graph properties Repair lost content on resizing Property Editor Common adaptions regarding SDK and delivered components Decouple timers to avoid locks Repair […]

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.4.4 released

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.4.4 has been released Main features: Use protocol parameters reported by ECU Improve ADTF timestamp calculation in case of XCP frame bursts Please refer to EB Asssist ADTF Calibration Toolbox 3.4.4 changelog   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.4.3 released

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.4.3 has been released Main features: Fix grammar for A2L parser regarding CHARACTERISTICS and unknown options Persist array count element in mapfile Please refer to EB Asssist ADTF Calibration Toolbox 3.4.3 changelog   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF3 Device Toolbox version 3.7.2 released

The EB Assist ADTF3 Device Toolbox version 3.7.2 has been released Main features: Refactor examples Rework cluster name handling Handle crashes in Trace Views Rework decoding correctness and performance Increase robustness for invalid SOME/IP data Please refer to ADTF Device Toolbox 3.7.2 Change Log   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF version 3.13.0 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.13.0 has been released Main features: Changes in ADTF Configuration Editor Enhance System Editor to select several Services at once Renew behavior regarding label names, pin appearance, handling and connection drawing (see also Filter Graph Editor) Rework tab behavior in Streaming Graph Editor / Filter Graph Editor Make it possible to […]

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.4.2 released

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.4.2 has been released Main features: Fixed deadlock in case of timeout during XCP on ethernet communication   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.8 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.8 has been released Main features: Changes in ADTF Configuration Editor Deliver debug symbols Common adaptions regarding SDK and delivered components Improve performance during comparing Stream Meta Type Repair serialized flag for UDP/TCP Receiver/Sender From/To Non-ADTF Application Plugin Enhance dump file creation Fix several RETURN macros Decouple temporary recording files by […]

EB Assist ADTF3 Device Toolbox version 3.7.1 released

The EB Assist ADTF3 Device Toolbox version 3.7.1 has been released Main features: Repair decoding of multplixed FlexRay PDUs Provide a (Substream) decoding for SOME/IP including E2E communication Add a trace view to visualize SOME/IP related data including Autosar PDU, XCP, DLT and friends UDP-IP-Reassembly for SOME/IP and Autosar PDU within SOME/IP Extractor Filter Integrate […]

EB Assist ADTF3 Standard Toolbox 1.0.2 released

EB Assist ADTF3 Standard Toolbox 1.0.2 has been released Main features: Bug fix: Documentation is installed with EB Asssist ADTF Standard Toolbox installationli>   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.4.1 released

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.4.1 has been released Main features: Fixed XCP Emulator Filter’s incrementation of 64 Bit variables Fixed behaviour of XCP Master when no DAQ List have been started Fixed correct update of XCP Stream Type with DAQ layout   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.7 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.7 has been released Main features: Changes in ADTF Configuration Editor Improve auto-layout regarding Active Runner Handle included graphs with same name Make the reload of adtfenvironment files more robust Common adaptions regarding SDK and delivered components Correct DDL and alignment Warning: If you had created adtfplugins using ADTF 3.12.6 we […]

EB Assist ADTF3 Display Toolbox 3.6.0 released

EB Assist ADTF3 Display Toolbox 3.6.0 has been released Main features: Support for ADTF 3.12.x Include adtfenvironment file for Display Toolbox Rework rendering and GPU usage Add an output pin to capture 3D Scene Graph Display Extend OSG delivery Extend user information within ADTF Playback Service regarding referenced files Several improvements, stability and bugfixes, please […]

EB Assist Test Lab Scene Manager version 1.5.0 released

EB Assist Test Lab Scene Manager version 1.5.0 has been released Changes   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist Test Lab version 21.05.0 released

EB Assist Test Lab version 21.05.0 has been released Main features: Deactivate user Scene REST API refactoring Improvements for video preview General security improvements   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.6 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.6 has been released Main features: Improvements in ADTF Configuration Editor Repair auto-connect after launching additional sessions Common adaptions regarding SDK and delivered components Improve streaming performance Fix calculated values for ADTF Sample Stream Tracer RPC Extend user information within ADTF Playback Service regarding referenced files Repair CMake call to find […]

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.4.0 released

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.4.0 has been released Main features: Enhanced XCP Decoder performance Support parsing of A2L files including Signals and Parameters with exponential limits Support parsing of A2L files including Signal of type FLOAT16_IEEE Changed StreamMetaType of XCP Decode and XCP Encode Filter ‘signal_updates’ Pin to ‘adtf/substream’ Support for ADTF […]

EB Assist File Library version 0.7.1 released

The EB Assist File Library version 0.7.1 has been released Main features: Base Library for EB Assist ADTF 3.12.5 Support for A_Util 5.6.1 Support for DDL 4.4.1   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.5 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.5 has been released Main features: Correct pdb and executable delivery for Profiler GUI Common adaptions regarding SDK and delivered components Fix slow writer queue and increased memory for ADTFDAT File Recorder Upgrade our external base libraries Support for ADTF File Library (IFHD) 0.7.1 Please refer to ADTF 3.12.5 Changelog   […]

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.3 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.3 has been released Main features: Improvements in ADTF Configuration Editor Clean up and improve error handling and pop ups Hotfixes regarding delivered components Hotfix for ADTF Media Description Service and decouple its Signal Provider, especially for usage with Substreams Hotfix for connecting trigger pin of a ADTF Default Sample Stream […]

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.2 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.2 has been released Main features: Improvements in ADTF Configuration Editor Cleanup validation issues to improve performance for larger graphs Add validation and show errors when loading adtf environment files Fix usage of macros to specify included sessions Hotfixes regarding delivered components Repair communication using UDP/TCP Receiver/Sender From/To Non-ADTF Application Plugin […]

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.0 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.0 has been released Main features: Improvements in ADTF Configuration Editor Refactoring to improve performance Rework launch options and tool behavior, see Sessions View in documentation Refactor connection drawing Validate name of Stream Meta Type during connect Update icons for Components View Make CE Log View Harmonize graph labels and sizes […]

EB Assist Test Lab version 1.9.0 released

EB Assist Test Lab version 1.9.0 has been released Main features: Scene comments add/edit manually or via ingest displayed in scene overview Integration of Kepler.gl for data visualization and search refinement User roles and user management Manually adding/editing/deleting custom labels of a scene Unpacking of compressed files containing a scene   This version is available […]

EB Assist ADTF 3 Bridge for ROS 2 released

EB Assist ADTF 3 Bridge for ROS 2 has been released Main features: EB Assist ADTF 3 Bridge for ROS 2 allows streaming data between EB Assist ADTF 3 and ROS 2, which enables you to: Benefit from the features of both frameworks within the same project Keep using existing data processing algorithms instead of […]

EB Assist ADTF version 3.11.2 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.11.2 has been released Main features: Important hot fix for correct Sync2Ref handling. It’s recommended upgrading to this patch version to guarantee correct Sync2Ref handling. For details see ADTF 3.11.2 Change Log   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF Calibration Toolbox released

EB Assist ADTF Calibration Toolbox has been released Main features: Support SubStreams Support disabling and enabling XCP commands Support Qt 5.12.9 Support for adtfenvironment files Support for ADTF 3.11.0 Enhanced XCP Decoder performance using improvements within ‘alloc_sample’ method coming with ADTF 3.11.0   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF version 3.11.1 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.11.1 has been released Main features: Improvements in ADTF Configuration Editor Switch and mark active Filter Graph Editor / Streaming Graph Editor Show selected Substream within ADTF Substream Selector Common adaptions regarding SDK and delivered components Repair handling of adtf::services::ant::IReferenceClock::ISync2RefChannel::Sync2RefTime with larger timestamps Improvements in ADTF JavaScript and QtQuick Filter Add […]

EB Assist ADTF version 3.11.0 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.11.0 has been released Main features: Improvements in ADTF Configuration Editor Create option for remote connection to ADTF Launcher Launch, connect and control running ADTF instance from Sessions View Receive and visualize statistics from ADTF Sample Stream Tracer RPC at related Sample Stream within Filter Graph Common adaptions regarding SDK and […]

EB Assist ADTF3 Device Toolbox version 3.4.0 released

The EB Assist ADTF3 Device Toolbox version 3.4.0 has been released Main features: Common adaptions regarding SDK and delivered components Provide a MDF Processor to export CAN, CAN FD, and FlexRay streams (adtfdat to mdf) Improvements to ASC Processors and harmonize behaviour Improvements for SOME/IP Trace View usability Several improvements and bugfixes, please refer to […]

EB Assist File Library version 0.7.0 released

The EB Assist File Library version 0.7.0 has been released Main features: Base Library for EB Assist ADTF 3.10.0 Support for A_Util 5.6.1 Support for DDL 4.4.1 Platform support for U1604 ARMv8   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist version 3.10.0 released

The EB Assist version 3.10.0 has been released Main features: Activation and deactivation of ADTF licenses via command line Option to activate/deactivate ADTF license online and offline Improvements in ADTF Configuration Editor Auto-layout for Filter Graph Editor Reduce labels and provide a quick search option for Filter Graph Editor Convenience options for Subgraph insertion Option […]

EB ASSIST Qt3D Display 0.3.0 released

The EB ASSIST Qt3D Display 0.3.0 has been released Main features: Model Loader Filter The Filter can load 3D object files and display the content inside the 3D-Scene 2D-Video Filter Example The 2D-Video Filter receives and processes video data from an ADTF datfile and renders the video on a plane entity which can be placed […]

EB Assist ADTF 3.9.1 released

The EB ASSIST Qt3D Display 0.2.0 has been released Main features: Extend ADTF with an adtfenvironment definition Improvements in ADTF Configuration Editor Redesign of Property Editor (Usability regarding searching/copy/paste/sorting/ranges and validation) Add Priority Editor to adapt priorities for connections and components Highlight pins and connection when drawing/selecting Common adaptions regarding SDK and delivered components Support […]

EB ASSIST Qt3D Display 0.2.0 released

The EB ASSIST Qt3D Display 0.2.0 has been released Main features: Base implementation of a measurement component Distances in 3D space can be measured The component can be enabled or disabled via property Support of arrow key navigation The navigation inside the 3D-Display now supports arrow keys A detailed description can be found in the […]

ADTF Display Toolbox 3.5.0 summary

Support for ADTF 3.7.0 Enhance Canvas/drawer API with OnCreateContext / OnDestroyContext Make use of flash::cFilter from ADTF Filter SDK within mixin and drawer base class Improve performance, layouting and stability of Signal View UI Services   This version is available on the EB Command server.

ADTF Calibrationtoolbox 3.2.0 summary

Support for IPv6 in XCP On Ethernet Communication Support for raw values Document CalibTb 3 Limitations Support ADTF File Library 0.6.1 Support for ADTF 3.7.0   This version is available on the EB Command server.  


Common adaptions regarding SDK and delivered components Provide a MDF Processor to export CAN, CAN FD and FlexRay streams (adtfdat to mdf) Improvements to ASC Processors and harmonize behaviour Improvements for SOME/IP Trace View usability Documentation, Guides and examples extensions Update SOME/IP guide to lessons learned regarding npcap Upgrade External Dependencies Support for ADTF 3.8.0 […]

ADTF 3.8.0 summary

Improvements in ADTF Configuration Editor Copy and paste support for graph elements Make Streaming Sources and Sinks available in Filter Graph Easier to handle and greater flexibility and reusability Makes Streaming Graph obsolete We still recommend to separate your graphs but with Subgraphs in Filter Graph instead of Filter Graphs in Streaming Graphs By default […]

EB Assist ADTF DAT GUI Tools 0.2.0 released

The EB Assist ADTF DAT GUI Tools 0.2.0 has been released Main features: Support for ADTF 3.7.0 and its recorded ADTF DAT Files Based on ADTF File Library / IFHD 0.6.1 Based on for A_Util 5.6.0 Based on for DDL 4.4.0 Based on for Qt 5.12.4 Support for nanoseconds Support for Substreams Support to edit […]

EB Assist ADTF Qt3D Display 0.2.0 released

The EB Assist ADTF Qt3D Display 0.2.0 has been released Main features: Base implementation of a measurement component Distances in 3D space can be measured The component can be enabled or disabled via property Support of arrow key navigation The navigation inside the 3D-Display now supports arrow keys Sensor Visualization Example This example covers a […]

EB Assist ADTF3 Calibration Toolbox 3.2.0 released

The EB Assist ADTF3 Calibration Toolbox 3.2.0 has been released Main features: Support for IPv6 in XCP On Ethernet Communication Support for raw values Document CalibTb 3 Limitations Support ADTF File Library 0.6.1 Support for ADTF 3.7.0 Further extensions and bugfixes, please refer to change log   This version is available on the EB Command […]

EB Assist ADTF3 Device Toolbox 3.2.0 released

The EB Assist ADTF3 Device Toolbox 3.2.0 has been released Main features: SOME/IP payload decoding and deserialization Provide SOME/IP Service Definition of adtf::devicetb::sdk::someip::ISomeIpDatabase to create own parser Definition of adtf::devicetb::sdk::someip::ISomeIpDecoder to interpret payload Support also RAW/ASCII mode in SOME/IP Trace View when no parser is present Warning: There is no SOME/IP parser delivered within Device […]

EB Assist ADTF3 Display Toolbox 3.5.0 released

The EB Assist ADTF3 Display Toolbox 3.5.0 has been released Main features: Support for ADTF 3.7.0 Enhance Canvas/drawer API with OnCreateContext / OnDestroyContext Make use of flash::cFilter from ADTF Filter SDK within mixin and drawer base class Improve performance, layouting and stability of Signal View UI Services Further extensions and bugfixes, please refer to change […]

EB-Assist-bus-tools-connector released

The EB-Assist-bus-tools-connector has been released Main features: Capture sensor data provided by sensors either connected to an EB 5200 or to an EB 2200 via CAN, CAN FD or Ethernet Process the data in ADTF 2 or store them on a hard disc in the ADTF dat-format Capture sensor data via CAN, CAN FD Capture […]

EB Assist ADTF File Library 0.6.1 released

The Version 0.6.1 of the EB Assist ADTF File Library has been released Main features of this version: This is already a patch version of ADTF File Library (IFHD) 0.6.0 because the zero major version is not usable Base Library for ADTF 3.7.0 Support for A_Util 5.6.0 Support for DDL 4.4.0 Platform support for U1604 […]

EB Assist ADTF 3.7.1 released

The Version 3.7.1 of EB Assist ADTF has been released Main features of this version: Improve algorithm for sorting structures in header generation Repair startup and loading of Project when calling ADTF Configuration Editor with –project Also auto-select default Session and switch to Filter Graph tab Fix issue that System Editor uses ADTF_PROJECT_DIR to store […]

EB Assist ADTF 3.7.0 released

The Version 3.7.0 of EB Assist ADTF has been released Main features of this version: Substreams support Provide multiple and different data streams on a single Output Pin / Sample Stream Publish/subscribe on receiving side Only requested Substreams will be transmitted (dynamic encoding) New components in ADTF Default Core Objects: ADTF Substream Selector to filter […]

EB Assist ADTF 3.6.2 released

The Version 3.6.2 of EB Assist ADTF has been released Main features of this version: Fix crash when recording output of ADTFDAT File Player Hotfix for header generation from description file if string of Media Description is too big Some hotfixes for ADTF Configuration Editor regarding: Deadlock regarding Session Editor / Project Editor issues Scaling […]

EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox 3.1.0 released

The Version 3.1.0 of the EB Assist ADTF3 Calibration Toolbox has been released Main features of this version: Support for new platform Windows 10 Upgrade to Visual Studio 2017 Upgrade to toolchain VC141 Upgrade to Qt 5.12.4 Add support for XCP on CAN Add support for XCP on Flexray Upgrade to ADTF File Library (IFHD) […]

EB Assist ADTF 3 Device Toolbox 3.1.0 released

The Version 3.1.0 of the EB Assist ADTF3 Device Toolbox has been released Main features of this version: Support for new platform Windows 10 Upgrade to Visual Studio 2017 Upgrade to toolchain VC141 Upgrade to Qt 5.12.4 Support for SOME/IP Provide a ethernet data structure (see tEthernetSampleHeader / stream_meta_type_ethernet) Provide a SOME/IP data structure (see […]

EB Assist ADTF 3 Display Toolbox 3.4.0 released

The Version 3.4.0 of the EB Assist ADTF3 Display Toolbox has been released Main features of this version: Support for new platform Windows 10 Upgrade to Visual Studio 2017 Upgrade to toolchain VC141 Upgrade to Qt 5.12.4 Rework 3D Scene Display Nested coordinate systems Visual tree modeling in graph using Interface binding Support for loading […]

EB Assist ADTF 3.6.2 released

The Version 3.6.2 of the EB Assist ADTF has been released Main features of this version: Support for new platform Windows 10 Upgrade to Visual Studio 2017 Upgrade to toolchain VC141 Upgrade to Qt 5.12.4 See System Requirements Usability updates for ADTF Configuration Editor Provide a Home View as configurable start up Dashboard Redesign Streaming […]

EB Assist ADTF File Library 0.5.0 released

The Version 0.5.0 of the EB Assist ADTF File Library has been released Main features of this version: Base Library for ADTF 3.6.0 Support for A_Util 5.5.0 Support for DDL 4.3.0   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF File Library 0.4.1 released

The Version 0.4.1 of the EB Assist ADTF File Library has been released Main features of this version: Support for DDL 4.2.1 Show the loading of additional adtffileplugins by extending File Access Example Make the CAN Writer Example independent   This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF 3 Display Toolbox 3.3.0 released

The Version 3.3.0 of the EB Assist ADTF3 Display Toolbox has been released Main features of this version: Provide 2D OpenGL Display Provide Drawer Library Provide several Example Drawer Create Binding Proxies for 3D Scene Graph Display (Streaming Source) to connected Mixins (Filter) 2D OpenGL Display (Streaming Source) to connected Mixins (Filter)   This version […]

EB Assist ADTF 3.5.0 released

The Version 3.5.0 of the EB Assist ADTF has been released Main features of this version: Reworked ADTF Filter SDK Same API for Filters and Streaming Sources / Streaming Sinks We adapted all Programming Examples and Guides to show this usage, please have a look at them how this will simplify your code Reworked ADTF […]

EB Assist ADTF 2.14.3 released

The Version 2.14.3 of the EB Assist ADTF has been released Main features of this version: Several bugfixes, please refer to ADTF 2.14.3 Change Log This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF3 Standard Toolbox 1.0.0 released

The Version 1.0.0 of the EB Assist ADTF3 Standard Toolbox has been released Main features of this version: Support of Kvaser CAN drivers for CANLIB V5.24 User Documentation This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF 3.4.0 released

The Version 3.4.0 of the EB Assist ADTF has been released Main features of this version: Change delivery to archive instead of installer, also to work on Non-Admin machines Provide DDL Editor Rework ADTF3 SDK Documentation Define default log-level for default launchers in ADTF Control Warning for common launcher Dump for debug launcher Support of […]

EB Assist ADTF 3 Support Toolbox 3.1.0 released

The Version 3.1.0 of the EB Assist ADTF 3 Support Toolbox has been released Main features of this version: Provides the communication between ADTF 2.14.x and ADTF 3.4.x This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF DAT GUI Tools 0.1.0 (BETA) released

The Version 0.1.0 beta of the EB Assist ADTF DAT GUI Tools has been released Main features of this version: Provide GUI tools based on ADTF File Library 0.4.0 ADTF DAT Info GUI (former known as Show DAT Info Dialog) ADTF DAT Tool GUI (former known as Datexporter GUI) Provide the source code within the […]

EB Assist ADTF Display Toolbox 3.2.0 released

The Version 3.2.0 of the EB Assist ADTF Display Toolbox has been released Main features of this version: Provide a 3D Scene Graph Display, based on OSG Provide a Mixin Library to extend 3D Scene Graph Functionality Provide some mixins as examples This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF Calibration Toolbox 3.0.0 released

The Version 3.0.0 of the EB Assist ADTF Calibration Toolbox has been released Main features of this version: Support for XCP On Ethernet Support for ASAM MCD-1 XCP v1.30 Support for A2L files specified at ASAM MCD-2 MC (aka ASAP2) v1.60 Limitation: Read/Write CHARACTERSITICS Provide also examples for Encoding/Decoding Provide XCP Emulator Java Script / […]

EB Assist ADTF 3.3.3 released

The Version 3.3.3 of the EB Assist ADTF has been released Main features of this version: Support for ADTF File Library 0.2.1 Support for DDL 4.0.3 More usability for ADTF Control common return values for scripting with command -e more information and logging in shell mode Recorder will now check trigger for stream to set […]

EB Assist ADTF 3.3.2 released

The Version 3.3.2 of the EB Assist ADTF has been released Main features of this version: Provide Command Line Support for custom adtfproject (-project=<ADTFPROJECT>)  and cesettings (-settings=<CESETTINGS>)  file in ADTF Configuration Editor Provide Command Line Support for custom adtfsettings (-settings=<ADTFSETTINGS>)  file in ADTF Control Improve macro handling in ADTF Configuration Editor Improvements handling for Graph […]

EB Assist ADTF Calibration Toolbox 3.0.0 (BETA) released

The Version 3.0.0 of the EB Assist ADTF Calibration Toolbox has been released Main features of this version: Support for XCP On Ethernet Java Script / QtQuick Examples for signal calibration Support for DAT Files containing XCP Streams from Calibration Toolbox 2.x This version is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF 3.3.1 released

The Version 3.3.1 of the EB Assist ADTF has been released Main features of this version: Hotfix for ADTF 3.3.0 Recorder Extended environment variable mechanism Logging for Plugin Description Generator Improve usability of Plugin Description Generator Improve start up time for ADTF Tools Reduce compiler check warnings and errors This version is available on the […]

EB Assist ADTF – Version 2.14.2 released

Minor version of EB Assist ADTF 2.14.2 has been released EB Assist ADTF 2.14.2 Changes Adapted license mechanism for end of maintenance   EB Assist ADTF File Library 0.2.0 BETA Important release notes Base version for EB Assist ADTF 3.3.0 Depends on a_util 5.1.0 Depends on ddl 4.0.1   Highlights DDL Support Plugin Support for […]

EB Assist ADTF – Version 3.3.0 released

Minor version of EB Assist ADTF 3.3.0 has been released Main features of this version: EB Assist ADTF 3.3.0 Increased usability Record Dialog within ADTF GUI Control Headless ADTFDAT Processing (former known as DAT Exporter) Profiling support ADTF System Monitor (former known as Kernel Information View, Resource View) Merge and Post Build Support for Plugin […]

EB robinos for EB Assist ADTF – Version 1.3.0 released

Try out our newest version of EB robinos for EB Assist ADTF 1.3.0 for free! EB robinos is a comprehensive, hardware-agnostic framework for highly-automated driving (HAD) systems. Using EB robinos lets you control and manage the increasing complexity of HAD systems and bring them to market quickly. EB robinos provides a software framework with open […]

EB Assist ADTF – Version 3.2.1 released

Minor version EB Assist ADTF 3.2.1 has been released Main features of this version: Support for ADTF markers added. Provide RPC scripting interface and examples for test automation. EB Assist ADTF Java Script filter added. Integrated player-support for ADTF control. Update of documentation. Some other improvements and minor fixes have been implemented. This version is […]

EB robinos for EB Assist ADTF – Version 1.2.1 released

Try out our newest version of EB robinos for EB Assist ADTF 1.2.1 for free! EB robinos is a comprehensive, hardware-agnostic framework for highly-automated driving (HAD) systems. Using EB robinos lets you control and manage the increasing complexity of HAD systems and bring them to market quickly. EB robinos provides a software framework with open […]

EB Assist ADTF – Version 3.1.0 released

Minor version of EB Assist ADTF 3.1 has been released. Main features of this version include: Recording of data was extended to now support attached files and markers Handling of the description file has been improved Improvements to the usability of EB Assist ADTF Additional improvements to the Harddisk Recorder Further minor fixes have been […]

EB Assist ADTF 3 Support Toolbox – Version 2.0.0 released

Version 2.0.0 of the EB Assist ADTF 3 Support Toolbox for ADTF 2 was released. Main features of this version: Adjustments for the modified command line arguments of ADTF3 have been done. Improvements for the ADTF Delayed Type Proxy have been done. Some minor bugs have been fixed. The Toolbox is available on the EB […]

EB Assist ADTF – Version 3.0.1 released

Patch version of EB Assist ADTF 3.0 has been released. Main features of this version: Configuration Editor startup on non-developer systems has been fixed. Some more fixes for Configuration Editor and Plugin Description Generator have been done. Issues with ADTF 3 Support Toolbox have been fixed. ADTF 3 examples have been fixed. Some other minor […]

EB Assist ADTF – Version 2.14.0 released

The Version 2.14.0 of EB Assist ADTF has been released. New features and bug fixes: Rework of documentation Improvement of performance Fix of some minor bugs With ADTF-2.14, the new ADTF 3 Support toolbox was released, which supports the connection of ADTF-2 and ADTF-3. The Toolbox is available on the EB Command server.

EB Assist ADTF – Version 3.0.0 released

The brand new EB Assist ADTF 3 is finally here. Main features of EB Assist ADTF 3: Support for C++14 in Visual Studio 2015 Multi-threading, multi-process concept enables new use cases High flexibility to safeguard and maintain licenses through the new license manager High stability from distribution of different ADTF parts to separate processes Improved […]

EB Assist ADTF2 – Device Toolbox 2.7.0

The Version 2.7.0 of the Device Toolbox for EB Assist ADTF 2.12.0 have been released. Some changes and bug fixes came with the release: Improved support for Vector CAN / FlexRay Device Fixed some bugs in Fibex Database handling and FlexRay Config Codec Fixed multiple bugs in import / export services The Toolbox is available […]

EB robinos for EB Assist ADTF – Version 1.1.0 released

Try out our newest version of EB robinos for EB Assist ADTF 1.1.0 for free! EB robinos is a comprehensive, hardware-agnostic framework for highly-automated driving (HAD) systems. Using EB robinos lets you control and manage the increasing complexity of HAD systems and bring them to market quickly. EB robinos provides a software framework with open […]

EB robinos for EB Assist ADTF – Version 1.0.0 released

Try out our EB robinos trial version for free! EB robinos is a comprehensive, hardware-agnostic software solution for highly-automated driving (HAD) systems. Using EB robinos lets you control and manage the increasing complexity of HAD systems and bring them to market quickly. EB robinos provides a functional architecture with open interfaces and software modules. The […]

EB Assist ADTF – Version 2.13.0 released

New features and bug fixes: Harddisk Recorder: Ringbuffer on disk to store History and Follow Queues cADTFFile: new class to check on DAT file (header information and extensions – including changing extensions) Extended Data Service: it is now possible to edit the extended data after recording (see Show DAT File Info tool) Display history: synchronization […]

EB Assist ADTF – Version 2.9.1 released

Patch release: EB Assist ADTF Version 2.9.1 has been released Bug fixes and new features: Added option to skip broken DAT files when playing playlist Improved the queue checking algorithm on splitting Fixed some additional bugs This version is available on https://command.elektrobit.com

EB Assist ADTF – Version 2.11.0 released

Minor release: EB Assist ADTF – Version 2.11.0 released Important:We strongly recommend the use of version 2.11. Problems of version 2.10 are solved with version 2.11.The newest version of EB Assist ADTF comes out with some bug fixes and several new features.Application changes: Introduction of ADTF Dynamic Binding ProjectTree and Configuration Editor Usability Documentation improvements […]

Version 2.12.0 for EB Assist ADTF has been released

The newest version of EB Assist ADTF comes out with some bug fixes and several new features. DAT-Files will be created with a generated GUID Possibility to set plugin paths of system.xml via ADTF GUI Enhancement of the Python functionality Improvement of the dat-cutting-tool Enhancement of Configuration Editor Reworking / clean-up of utils library Minor […]

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